Throughout 2018-2019 our skaters have met benchmarks, won awards and taken part in competitions.
Taylor Warkentine finished her CanSkate Coaching Course- she is now CanSkate certified!
Lileah Noey passed her STAR 2 skills and her STAR 2 Freeskate program.
Alexis Berg passed Star 1 Skills and Star 1 Dance.
Congratulations to Colette
Kernaleguen on passing 2
Gold Dance Tests- Vienese
and Quickstep thereby
completing her Gold Dance
level! Colette is now a Triple
Gold Skater (Gold level as
she achieved in 3 disciplines
-Dance, Skills and Interpretive!)
Congratulations to Tia
Strukoff on the passing of her
Gold Skills! This is the first
discipline in which she has
achieved the Gold level!
Tia also passed 2 dance test,
the American Waltz (thereby
completing herJunior Silver
dance level), and the Kilian
(her first Senior Silver Dance)!!
Lauren McLean passed her Star 2B Canasta Dance test as well as her Star 2 Skills.
Abby Michaliew moved into STARSkate.
Ella McLean passed her STAR 4 free skate elements test, her STAR 5 freeskate Elements test and her STAR 5 freeskate program.

Brianna Willette passed her STAR 3 Skills, Canasta and Baby Blues Dance tests.
Lauren McLean passed her STAR 3 elements Dance test.

Lauren also passed her STAR 3 Skills test.
Lileah Noey passed her STAR 2B (Canasta Tango).
Isis Anderson passed her Stage 6 CanSkate and is now in STARSkate.
at the Saskatchewan Skate Competition!
Clowie Chatto moved to Advanced CANskate.
Jasmine Masangkay
moved into StarSkate!

Ava Claypool passed her Star 1 Dance.
Allie Willette passed Star 1 Skills and Star 1 Dance
Brianna Willette passed her Star 1 Free Skate, Star 1 Skills and Star 1 Dance tests!
Brianna Willette passed Star 2A Dutch Waltz Dance and Star 2 Skills